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Sending Sunshine Chapters
Start or join a Chapter in your school or community today! On this page you will find a guide for starting your own Chapter, links to current Chapter locations, and a Sign Up Form. For any Chapter-related questions, please reach out to us at:
Guide for Starting a New Chapter:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where are the cards going?All of the cards will be distributed to various care facilities and seniors' organizations across Canada!
Is there a minimum size requirement for my cards?Cards should be no smaller than 4x5.5 inches.
Does my card have to be store bought?No! We welcome both store bought and handmade cards. Let your creativity run wild! If you want to save money but are having trouble making a handmade card, this website is a good online card and envelope maker! Just make sure to handwrite the actual message though! You can also purchase a card from our Redbubble Store.
Do I have to put a return address on the envelope?No, you do not have to put a return address on the envelope if you don't feel comfortable including it!
Do I have to write my card in English?No! In addition to English, we accept cards written in French, traditional Chinese writing, and simplified Chinese writing.
What should the card contain?The cards should contain thoughtful, uplifting, and cheerful messages. Cards should be handwritten and contain an introduction of yourself. You can also include any hobbies, interests, or past-times. More ideas are outlined in the card writing help section of our website
Where should I send the card?All cards can be sent to our P.O. Box at: Sending Sunshine PO Box 45017 RPO Port Credit Mississauga, ON L5G 4S7 Canada
Can I send my cards through a courier such as FedEx?No. Cards must be sent through a federal postal service, such as Canada Post!
If I want to send multiple cards, can I send them in one large envelope or do they have to be sent one card per envelope?We would prefer for multiple cards to be sent in one large envelope or box!
Should I include individual envelopes for each card?No, we prefer to not have individual envelopes for each card.
Will I get any confirmation that you have received my card?We are no longer providing confirmation that we received your card.
Will I receive a card in return?The cards will only be sent to Seniors in care facilities. You will not receive a response. However, we do have a pen pal program! Click here for more information on our pen pal program.
Can I receive volunteer hours for writing a card?We are no longer providing volunteer hours for cards written and sent to our PO Box. Instead, you can now earn volunteer hours for writing cards through our Senior Nomination Program. Click here to learn more!
Sign Up Form:
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